This week, Josh and Kevin welcome special guest Alivia Mapes. Josh and Alivia recount her deer season so far, the highs and the lows, the high being Alivia getting not only her first deer, but a very impressive buck. We also discuss some of the the thoughts Josh and Kevin have (and Alivia) on youth hunters, the hows and whys, Alivia also shares her advice to other young hunters that may be on the fence about hunting. We also discuss what Alivia is doing with this deer, how they are going to process it into her favorite table fare from venison and the mount she is getting done. Congrats again young lady! As always, THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! code: tripod for 10% off tripods and mounts code: light for 20% off lighting products Predator Hunter Outdoors code: OVERDRIVE20 for 20% off an annual membership HuntWise Maniac Outdoors- Code OD15 for 15% off scent fuel products ORC Archery ATN Prym1 HuxWrx