Overdrive Outdoors Podcast


Episode Summary

This week's episode is all about successful hunting. Josh and Kevin are joined by a gentleman that has been on with us earlier this year talking about his struggles to get his 1st coyote, Josh Smith. Josh was able to get his first coyote under his belt over the weekend with Clinton Taylor. Josh tells us the whole story of his 1st successful coyote hunt, from beginning to end. With details on how it went down, what he wants to do with his 1st coyote, how the gear performed and more. We then also discuss both Josh Mapes and Kevin's successful hunts from this past weekend as well. Josh Mapes got 2 and Kevin ended the night with 5 friday. And then we talk about gear a bit, including the new Nightsnipe elite hunter pro tripods that Josh and Kevin used for the 1st time this weekend. What we liked and an overview of the tripods themselves. As always, THANK YOU FOR LISTENING. Predator Thermal Optics code "ptothermal" for 10% off all Predator Thermal Optics brand Scopes and Monoculars www.predatorhunteroutdoors.com code: tripod for 10% off tripods and mounts code: light for 20% off lighting products Predator Hunter Outdoors www.huntwise.com code: OVERDRIVE20 for 20% off an annual membership HuntWise Maniac Outdoors- Code OD15 for 15% off scent fuel products ORC Archery ATN Prym1 HuxWrx