On this episode Kevin is joined by Buck Wells and Mark Kayser. Mark, in his own words, is ".. just an “average Joe” blessed with an exciting career", who has done everything from writing and photography to promotions and then into marketing and TV shows, all about hunting and the outdoors. Mark was born is South Dakota, and now resides in Wyoming where he hunts and continues his work, with a lot of Big game, bird hunting and predator hunting. He tells us about his dog that joins him for shed hunting and predator hunting. Mark runs down how he started and his path to where he is now, Mark writes for such publications as Grand View Outdoors, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, American Hunter, Outdoor Life, BowHunter, North American Whitetail, National Wild Turkey Federation. He tells us about how article ideas are created, working with editors and digital vs print writing as well as some of the challenges involved in the process. He tells us about working with video production including working with deer and deer hunting TV, and a series of youtube programs. Mark tells us about self filming vs having a camera man in the field with him and the challenges and experiences of each. He also talks about hunting set ups while making good video especially with a bow. Buck and Mark and I also discuss eating wild game, what we like and some tips on preparation. We also briefly discuss Mark and Bucks thoughts on coyote hunting, including their thoughts on the new limited season here in MI, how predator hunting is more of a management tool anymore vs the money making endeavor it used to be. We then talk with Mark about his experiences predator hunting, the gear he uses, tactics and thoughts on using decoys. As always, THANK YOU FOR LISTENING Predator Thermal Optics code "ptothermal" for 10% off all Predator Thermal Optics brand Scopes and Monoculars www.predatorhunteroutdoors.com code: tripod for 10% off tripods and mounts code: light for 20% off lighting products Predator Hunter Outdoors www.huntwise.com code: OVERDRIVE20 for 20% off an annual membership HuntWise Maniac Outdoors- Code OD15 for 15% off scent fuel products ORC Archery ATN Prym1 HuxWrx