Overdrive Outdoors Podcast

Rutcation Report 11-3-2022

Episode Summary

Thursday, November 3 2022...day 7 of my 2022 Rutcation. I cant help but feel like I wasted time this whole week. Not that the hunting was a waste, I love it too much out there. But the back and forth, skip around a few miles at a time and try to find deer..when I've seen deer in certain areas, multiple times. Why can't I talk myself into hunting SIGN like I always did before. Instead my mind is always saying "Well yesterday there was a buck on that ridge so go sit there". So like an idiot I go chasing information that is already DONE. It happened. I was not there when it happened but had I have been there, that buck would be in my freezer. This morning, Mike and I were sitting the edge of the small grass field where just yesterday I watched 4 different bucks chasing a doe, or cruising the edge. That was YESTERDAY. But we went chasing it again this morning. The outcome? 0 deer seen. Mike unfortunately found out that he had a split in his bow limb, and decided to go back home so he could get it to the shop. Tonight I decided to scout with my setup on my back, just like I always have. Find the sign, hunt the sign and give that fresh sign 2 hunts. Although tonight did not work out, I found the sign. And my setup is already in the tree for me to sneak back into nice and early on the morning of November 4. Thank you all so much for listening, I hope you all are having good luck while out hunting! Predator Hunter Outdoors HuntWise ORC Archery SiOnyx