Overdrive Outdoors Podcast

Your first class at Predator University with Tony Tebbe

Episode Summary

This week, Josh and Kevin sit down with the one and only Tony Tebbe. If you don't know who Tony is, he owns/operates Predator University out of New Mexico. He produces TT Signature sounds for your electronic caller as well as hand calls for your lanyards. Tony tells us all about seasonal changes in the coyotes world, as well as how his tactics change with the changing seasons. He tells us about when and how he uses vocals, when he changes from mostly vocals to mostly distress, and what vocals mean to him. Tony tells us some of his favorite hunting memories both good AND bad, and then tells us how and why he started making his living off coyote hunting. These tactics are great for the beginner AND the experienced caller, so get out your notebook and a pen and give it a listen! And as always, THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!